Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Kultura Politike

Besimi nuk duhet të kërkohet, ai duhet të fitohet

Në demokracitë e konsoliduara, kultura politike siguron përkrahje për sistemin politik në “kohët e liga”. Vetëm me një nivel të lartë të besimit në institucione, sistemet politike mund t’i tejkalojnë krizat e ndryshme sociale. Përkundrazi, në demokracitë e reja mungon kjo dashamirësi e rezervuar; institucionet e këtyre vendeve përkrahjen dhe besimin duhet ta fitojnë. Në shoqëritë që kanë bërë hapat e parë në demokraci, qëndrimet ndaj sistemit politik varen më shumë nga të arriturat aktuale. Ngase, siç thonë Diamond dhe Lipset, “për një rrugëtim të gjatë e të suksesshëm të demokracisë, progresi dhe stabiliteti ekonomik nuk kanë alternativë” (1995:84).

Duke u bazuar në këtë qasje, bartësit e institucioneve tona do të duhej të kenë ndjeshmëri më të madhe ndaj problemeve me të cilat përballen qytetarët. Ata duhet të ndërtojnë një konsensus shoqëror rreth vlerave progresive dhe të veprojnë në të mirë të qytetarëve. Vetëm në këtë mënyrë do të arrinin të instalojnë një sistem qeverisës me të cilin do të identifikoheshin qytetarët, pra të ndodhë ajo që Hague dhe Harrop e quajnë “simpati për sistemin” (2001:79).

Në të kundërtën, rrezikohet që të humb besimi, edhe ashtu i luhatur, në këto institucione. Erozioni i besimit do të kishte pasoja të rënda për shoqërinë tonë. Do të minonte partneritetin potencial ndërmjet qytetarëve e institucioneve dhe do të shpinte drejtë abstenimit dhe mosangazhimit në jetën politike. Si rrjedhim do të kishim atë që Hague dhe Harrop e identifikojnë si “tjetërsim nga sistemi” (2001:81).

Sfidë imediate e institucioneve tona është që të jenë më transparente dhe të krijojnë klimë të përshtatshme për debat të shëndoshë politik. Parlamenti, si organ ligjdhënës, është vendi ku do të duhej të kultivohej një kulturë e tillë debati. Idetë e kundërta nuk duhet të konsiderohen paraprakisht të dyshimta, egoiste dhe të gabueshme. Ato duhet të luftohen me argumente, e jo të injorohen me cinizëm. Nuk duhet harruar se injoranca dhe cinizmi janë korrozive si për individin ashtu edhe për shoqërinë.

Institucionet vendore duhet të kenë parasysh se janë llogaridhënëse para qytetarëve, për veprimet e tyre. Llogaridhënia është pjesë konstituive e legjitimitetit të qeverive demokratike (Mayer, 2003:84). Kur qytetarët e kuptojnë se nuk gëzojnë përkujdesje të duhur prej institucioneve, këto të fundit mund ta humbasin përkrahjen dhe besimin. Deklarimet, “Zoti ju ndihmoftë” apo ”Zoti ua bëftë çarën”, janë fjalë që më së paku duhet të thuhen prej bartësve institucional. Titullarët e institucioneve nuk duhet të besojnë shumë në të drejtën e tyre për të qeverisur në pafundësi; qytetarët ua dhanë këtë të drejtë, por ata edhe mund t’ua marrin.

Besimi i ulët në institucionet tona nuk është mit. Fajtorë kryesorë për këtë janë udhëheqësit e këtyre institucioneve, të cilët garën tradicionale të ideve për qeverisje funksionale e kanë transformuar në një garë të premtimeve dhe parashikimeve për të ardhmen. Ata duhet t’u japin fund premtimeve të tyre dhe të fillojnë të bëjnë diçka konkrete, duke mos harruar se në demokracitë e sapolindura besimi nuk duhet të kërkohet, ai duhet të fitohet.

Alfred Marleku & Muhamet Ibrahimi

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Presentation of World News in Kosova daily newspapers

Kosovo daily newspapers cover the most important world news, first and foremost the hard news following profile articles, feature news, human interest stories and photo news.

By Fazli Rrezja

“News that we choose to be published more often are the news from politics, society, health, technology etc. said Rejhan Morina journalist in daily “Express” ”As a regular reader of daily newspapers both written, I read almost all kind of world news, beginning with issues concerning music and entertainment and including socio-political ones. Kosovo newspapers offer us a wide field of information about different subjects, especially regarding U.S., EU and Middle East” said a regular reader of a daily newspapers Ardian Morina.

Depending on the developments which are taking place in the world, Kosovo newspapers try to focus in the most important ones around the world, “But the ones with major regional impact come first. Hot spots of the world are kept in mind and presented regularly” said Musli Bazhdaraj a world news journalist of daily Kosovo newspaper “Bota Sot”.

Most of Kosovo daily newspaper presents the world news in a daily basis and there are standard pages reserved for this kind of news.

“World news with global interest and profile of important leaders and authorities is presented in our newspaper. No matter where it happened, war, protest, violence, polls and interesting items that provoke Kosovo reader”, said MM, a world news journalist in daily “Lajm”. Moreover the daily “Express” is more focused to present feature news of the most important issues in the world

World News for Kosovo readership
The most important world news for most of Kosovar readers are those concerning political and social development in U.S, EU, regional and Middle East . Also other issues such as world global development on politics, environmental and economical tend to be provocation for readers. “I usually read world news to get as mush information regarding the general development in the world, since living in this global world of such rapid developments, in one way or the other, all the people and the countries in the world are effected, as well as my country and myself. Especially, I read more about the politics of U.S. and EU towards the future status of Kosovo, since there are some ongoing talks concerning the future of my country”, said a regular reader Ilir Gashi.

Having in mind the internal developments and the situation which is undergoing, not only at present but in the past as well, the readership of Kosova was never tested, or better say there was never done any specific survey in order to find out their attitude or preferences in this field.
“The average reader would pick up the most breaking news, and from time to time different thematic stories from the most important developments in the world scene take place in world news”, Mr. Bazhdaraj said.

For many years there has been a general interest on political news, politicians and their meetings. However, without underestimating this tradition in news making, there is a certain space where there is an interest also for other kind of public figures; such are Kings, Queens, or Communist leaders. But, according to Mr MM “In recent years publishing stories on their personal life of a very important people is proving to be much more intriguing”Mr. Morina said that he would not be able to draw a line in terms of importance, but in this case he thinks that Kosovo readers prefer politics more, perhaps as a result of the situation we are in.

World news published as headlines
Depending from their importance, world news is often published as headline in Kosovo newspapers, most of all breaking news with global impact or with regional one. However, this year the most important headlines presented in Kosovo newspapers were the news of Tsunami, London bombings, bird flu, hurricane Katrina, French riots and the like. “If it comes between thematic news with diplomatic or political view of developments and a sad news of a tragedy, the second one would come first to be published as e headline”, said journalist Musli Bazhdaraj.

From time to time, newspapers try to cover most important news from the world diplomacy and economy as well, the main issues being globalization, international pacts and the hottest places and issues in world today, such as: Nuclear plans and ambitions of different countries, unstable ones with a black record in their human rights abuse and the pursue of dictatorship. “
Kosovo newspapers cover developments within the EU community and everything that goes with it, then newly emerging economic powers, such as China and India, climate changes, the fight against poverty and diseases in the third world, with special stress to Africa, different local conflicts through out the world and political developments.

”I believe world news reflection is of great importance, particularly when they deal with the events happening in the region”, said journalist of a daily “Express”. News from the European Union is particularly important having in mind the state of the region in EU integrations. “National elections, such as those in USA, or UK, or Germany are with utmost interest for public opinion. Especially, the news of he poll issues in USA and Germany, with details on Albanian Diaspora, for whom they are going to vote. For Kerry or Bush, for Schroeder or Merkel” said MM

The world news distance reflected in our readership.

The effect of regional and world development sometimes have relevant influence on the Kosovo readers. “Firstly economical, if Macedonia or Albania as the neighboring countries are having difficulties in one of the field of economy, then the impact will be obvious. Secondly environmental, for example bird flu, a very dangerous decease, that just recently killed 3 Turkish citizens, and there is a permanent threat of spreading all over the region and more.

Finally political, which also are very imported in the general development and their effect on the region and my country” said Driton Shala a daily reader of Kosovo newspapers.
“This is another view of the medal. It is the distance I would say. In this case, distance seems to play a big role, the region of the world where news come from and their impact on the other parts of the world” said Mr Bazhdaraj. The distance and the effect of the news plays a huge role in a Kosovo readership. In the latest time the bird flu had an effect in the consuming the bird products in Kosovo society.

According to the journalist of “Lajm” a certain catastrophe may gain more readers no matter where it happened. ”I think that distance plays a great role, our readership feel more familiar with Europe region, especially with Balkans”, said Mr. Morina journalist of daily “Express”.

Source, Selection and Presentation of the world news

There was an old tradition of getting the news from the region, Asia, Middle East or USA. This tradition has been kept for decades following poor information sources, reading and listening state owned media. The selection nowadays differs because of rapid development of modern journalism and sophisticated equipment that help journalist to find sources and to present the world news from different angles.

According to the Kosovo journalists who work in world news section, the selection of news is made in basis of importance, first breaking news, then main political and economic developments, different political meetings with global or regional importance. Therefore the selection and presentation of this type of news is much more delicate, it requires much more time and efforts. For many years it is not anymore black and white journalism or can not be done by using Cold War time journalism criteria. The world news journalists choose the reliable sources; select the most important and interesting news for Kosovo readership and present world news in their daily newspapers

The main sources used by a daily “Bota sot”, are world news agencies like Reuters, Associated Press, BBC, CNN. The daily newspaper “Lajm”, have been using sources for world news Reuters, for regional news:Beta, ATSH, LSA “Among world media that keeps you shortly well informed is undoubtedly BBC, with its TV and web site. However, for particular events concerning the Albanian Diaspora life, daily “Lajm” has several correspondents from abroad” said MM The daily express is BBC, Reuters, The Associated Press, AFP, The Guardian, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Independent, Times, International Herald Tribune, Boston Globe, Deutsche Welle, Der Spiegel, Newsweek, Time Magazine

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