Saturday, February 2, 2013

Llapusha during the history in documents and oral sources


By Agon Rrezja 

Historian's research to study  and explore the provinces, territories and regions, derived from early passions since childhood up to  begin when they start to study humanity and social sciences, as, for example, history, anthropology, archaeology and folklore in scientific institutions.  Vertical chronology of approach is quite early, at least from the time of Herodotus,  a historiographer and "father of history" who wrote on Greek - Persian wars in the V century. BC, and Tukiditit who wrote about the Peloponnesian Wars, also occurred in the V century BC, Peloponnese known as a Peninsula  also as a special region, the first residents had exactly the most civilized nation of the time, Pelasgian population. 

Idea and reason to study the region of Llapusha is displayed during the operation of the main workshop of Master studies "Albanians and the Ottoman Empire," lectured by Prof. Dr. Gaz­mend Rizaj, where the selection of the topic, "Vilayet of Kosovo ", I realized, and I concluded on great importance had gi­ven Bayrak of Astrazup, in particular the whole regions of Llapusha since the early beginnings of the Albanian National Re­naissance to the circumstances of combat during World War II, at the Battle of Kollashin as and to the resistance of patriots and their liquidation in 1947 by Montenegrin Serb communist forces.

Inspiration came as my participation inter weaving  International Summer University of Prishtina  in the summer of 2002 in the course "Oral History: Methodology and Practise"  led by Prof. Ass. Dr. Bülent Bilmez from Yeditepe University, Department of History in Istanbul in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Jahja Drançolli from Faculty of Philosophy, Head of History Department in  the University of Pristina, and then mentor Master's thesis, the manuscript of which is publishing  in this volume.

In this summer course and during the following interdisciplinary courses during the other two years I have gained an exce­llent base from distinguished professors lectures, as well as expe­rience  exchange with local and international colleagues.
This rich experience of years led to the selection of Master's thesis entitled, "Llapusha as oral history in centuries", which is protected on 20.03.2012 before the committee comprising Prof.  dr. Jahja  Drançolli - mentor, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Gashi - Chairman and Prof. dr. Zymer Neziri - member (Prishtina Albanology Institute).
Having these preparation of Oral History, History of Histo­riography of the  XIX-XX century, followed by Albanian studies and folklore with the suggestions above professors, colleagues, friends and family wider circle, I have decided that the collected subject and expansion of knowledge during the fieldwork to re­view once again, this time my intention was to publish the ca­se collected and arranged for monograph, "Llapusha during the history in documents and oral sources."
In this regard, I should thank heartily honored my mentor and professor, Prof. Dr. Jahja Drançolli, who with transparency and highest academic level, professional commitment and his knowledge and scientific methodology, provided generous assistance, in order to this book or monography, in question comes in, as the highest scientific level.
Scientific results obtained from the Master's thesis, however, are met by family tradition and educational folk Rrezja family from the village Javor of Suhareka. From this village came the first frame of Albanologist  in the suburb of Suhareka, Prof. Nezir Rre­zja, my uncle, Professor in Academy  high school of Prizren (1970-1976), who unfortunately lost his life in 1976.
Earlier oral history of Llapusha relates with Agha of Zatriqi, family that had moved through history in relation Llapushë and region  of Kastrati of "Malësisë së Madhe" (Great Highland), which was involved with  in the range of Spahijve and was made a family with greater fame, which owned many lands in Llapusha Plains up to Harilaq of Lipjan These properties they won after the Austro-Ottoman wars at the end of the  XVII century, and the beginning of the XVIII century, then where consolidated  as big family  settled  in Zatriq.
Forming Bayrak of Astrazub at the end of the XVIII century and in the beginning of the XIX century pioneers of its first, Kurt Agha, Zejnel Agha and Sali Agha of  Astrazub, they were appe­a­red for the first time in Ottoman documents and other personalities of this soul  marked many pages in the Annals of historiography during Prizren League thereafter (1877 -1885). And other soul by Himë Heka with descends: Lush and Abaz Bajraktari  excel as noto­ious rebels during and after the League of Prizren, respectively during the years 1910-1912 uprisings against the invading Ottoman Young Turk and continuous protection in the Gorge of Carraleva against penetration of Serbian army in October 1912. Their succe­ssors in World War II, Qazim Bajraktari of Astrazub, made extra­ordinary contributions against the Serbo-Montenegrin parti­sans and the spread of communist ideology while heroically fell in Sferrkë of Gash with Halil Sadri of  Gjurgjevik.
The emergence of the Berisha family from Gjurgjevik res­pectively, of Ali Met Nepolajt of Gjurgjevik, as it will be called later had contributed large flows at historical of Llapusha. The drive of this family that enjoyed wide renown authority in all Llapusha, topped with Sadik Rama-Gjurgjevikun will mark many events to contributing at the time of the Albanian uprisings 1910-1912, then in the Proclamation of Independence of Albania up to Llapusha Uprising (1919) which documents of that time and Alba­nian historiography known as the "Lion of Kosovo." His footsteps came also his two sons Ukë and Shaban Sadiku who became the terror of the communist partisans and those who proclaim the co­mmunist ideology during World War II, such as fell on the altar of freedom for the ideal of Ethnic Albania.
A noble family from the time of the Ottoman Empire was of the Malok of  Pllaqica  with  Javori origin who was distinguished at the top with shrewd leader of the fearless, Osman Hajdar Ma­loku. This family deserves special attention. For this family is not written until now no monographs and any scientific work, so, I took the opportunity to sensitize prosperous and valuable patriotic history of this family in the language of documents as well as those of oral history.
Along with Malok's in the gladiator scene of Llapusha, headlined Alush Smajl Javori from Llazica of Malisheva who was in the front line for the homeland and flag. During his time as a president in Kijev, collaborates with many leaders of the kno­wledge of the shot but also was first in line Kollashin Front (1941-1944) and the War of prison cell of Jellocit (1945) the "mashin­kën" (weapon) making his massacre on Chetnik-Serb partisans bodies until they fell on the altar of freedom to the last cartridge along with brother  Murat and his fellow Ahmed Krajku, in Gull­boc at "Valley wits".
This verse is also added many other patriots who gave help  from the participation in the battle to maintain and housing leaders and those who supported the liberation struggle for self-deter­mination since the time of the wars with the Ottoman Empire until the anti-communist resistance after World War II (1947)
For a more complete perfection of this book a beautiful and productive work is done by researching archival documents. It should be noted that previous research during the preparation of Master's thesis were made ​​during 2011 in the archive of the Institute of History in Tirana, where they are harvested mainly do­cu­ments Austro-Hungarian and the record of Ottoman Military Court in Prizren to Active members of  LSHP (1881 -1885), which documents are also used during the writing of the monograph on Llapusha.
During 2012 were done research in both Albanian archives: Central State Archive in Tirana, and the State Archive in Pri­shtina. Due to the distance and the psychological and political circumstances that have accompanied the Central Archive of Al­bania and is accompanied by the present, the archive in question has provided us with very few documents.
Researches  in the State Archive of Kosovo, have already been very fruitful in terms of finding relevant documents per­taining to region of Llapusha, Bayrak of Astrazub, names of the Albanian National Renaissance, such as: Sadik Ramë Gjurgjeviku, etc.. Also, we have faced in this archive abundant and interesting subjects from World War II, where we have been able to use a part, but we still work to be done in further research.
For the delivery, researching and their preparing need to be  thanked  Sector Head in documents, MA Ruzhdi Panxha, who generously and with professional transparency allowed us to use and photocopy the documents.
Special attention in this book has devoted and the former-committee aforementioned Masters thesis, Prof. dr. Jahja Dran­çolli, Prof. dr. Ibrahim Gashi and Prof. Zymer Neziri, who did not spare their time to review and complete with suggestions, criticism and evaluation so that the book becomes more perfect.
To adapting this volume and had its weight within the scien­tific and cultural institutions I have decided to publish the manus­cript patronage and the firm of Prishtina Albanology In­sti­tute.  Therefore, for this we should thank Scientific Secretary of the Institute, Prof. dr. Lulzim Lajçi (Scientific Advisor), and head of the Department of History, Dr. Lush Culaj (Scientific Advisor) for suggestions on preparing professional, technical and admi­nis­tra­tive.
The range of those who accompanied the first stage in the fieldwork are Syl Bek Millaku from Ujmiri residing in Prizren and Hazir Isuf Gashi with his son, Dardan, from Javori living in Suhareka for what I am thankful for prosperous contribution gi­ven. While in the second phase of the preparation of this book until its completion should be mentioned and thanked sincerely, Fadil Musli Javori from Llazica of Malisheva , an activist and publicist distinguished Albanian-right who along with Cen Desku, historian, associated and helped immensely sparing their time to reach the zenith of this monograph.
         This volume would not have been possible the light of printing without the moral and financial support by mr. Xhafer Kastrati who together with group of businessmen from the Municipality of Malisheva with a residence in Prizren, with generosity enabled covering Albanological Institute costs, so I am very grateful to them!.
          I must also thank the members of families known patriotic of Llapusha who supported me defray the costs for the printing of this book.
With the publication of this monograph I hope that somehow I managed to approach the objectivity based on the experience gai­ned from the history department professors, work experience and suggestions from colleagues.
Thanks to the professional scientific transparency to describe a whole territory is impossible so to all those who have remark, suggestions, valuation, criticism, to me, would be more than welcome as that in any edition to fill the gaps presented. In the end thanks to my close family who supported me a lot creating suitable climate conditions to deal with the writing of this monograph. 


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